23 SEP 18:00
Vitlycke - CPA


Francesco Scavetta (SE/IT) / Dancers från olika länder

Presentation av Dance Communication Lab, i ledning av Francesco Scavetta
Längd: 30 min

Improviserat framträdande av deltagare från Vitlycke-CPA:s upplaga av Dance Communication Lab, organiserat inom ramen för Creative Europe-projektet Beyond Front@: Bridging Periphery.

WELCOME är koreograferad av Francesco Scavetta och utforskar temat välkomnande. Hälsningar, välkomnande ritualer som korta, interaktiva upplevelser som för varje deltagares röst in i rummet och skapar relationer. 

Beyond Front@: Bridging Periphery är ett Creative Europe-projekt (2023-2026) skapat av Central Europe Dance Theatre – CEDT (Ungern), Bunker (Slovenien), HIPP (Kroatien), Krakow Dance Theatre (Polen), M Studio (Rumänien) och Vitlycke – Centre for Performing Arts (Sverige) för att främja lokal utveckling av samtida dansfält. Efter tre dagars gemensamt arbete i Dance Communication Labb kommer denna utvalda grupp dansare från Beyond Front@-partnerländerna att presentera sitt arbete inför publik på HERE:2023.


Deltagare på Dance Communication Lab: tba.
I ledning av: Francesco Scavetta
Bild: Francesco Scavetta
Organiseras inom ramen för Creative Europe project Beyond Front@: Bridging Periphery.
Finansierad av Europiska Unionen.
Med stöd av Kulturrådet



Scavetta has developed a reputation on the international dance scene for his wildly inventive work, playful humour and subversive intelligence and his company Wee/Francesco Scavetta is at the forefront of the Nordic dance scene. Established in Oslo in 1999, together with Gry Kipperberg, Wee has produced 23 full length performances and experienced an extensive international activity, touring in 37 countries -in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, North, Central and South America.

Wee’s creations have changed in format and aesthetic, yet they have continuously explored what theatre and performance can mean in contemporary life and what kind of dialogues they can open with the audience. Scavetta’s theatricality has often been associated with the atmosphere of a weird dream or to a playful world of a child: strange, funny, poetic and, at the same time, surprising. The core of the company’s investigation deals with fragility and paradox, epiphany and dream, empathy and surprise, avoiding narrative and physical cliché, while questioning reality and identity with humoristic disbelief. “Wee creates performances that can engage and amaze, can evoke empathy and twist expectations, that can be both poetic and unusual, and that we experience as a challenge first of all for ourselves: that surprises us, as much as it talks to us and about us.”

Scavetta has had a long and extensive teaching experience and his method and research has been highly appreciated in Norway and abroad. Since 2005, the teaching project “A Surprised body” has been invited internationally in 44 countries in North, Central and South America, Europe, Africa, Middle and Far East. Scavetta has been invited to hold workshops for Academies of dance, private dance centres, Universities and professional companies, often in collaboration with theatre directors, composers, visual artists and musicians.

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